Thursday, April 9, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
WE ARE AT HOME!!!! Need I say more? There is no place like home sweet home.Rob and Brecken were here to help us unload and Jill and Shae had put the furniture back in the living room after Jason cleaned the carpets and Carl painted so part of the house is fresh and clean..... Was so good to step inside and see that all of that was done. THANKS TO EVERYONE! We love you and it is so nice to have love and support at a time like this.Robert went to pick up Rowdy. He was really missing him. I'm sure he will be excited to see Robert also.Our bed will feel nice tonight and with a couple of days at home I should have everything unpacked and maybe back to part way normal if there is such a thing as normal?What a journey we have had!I will go back to work Tues or Wed.I'll see how I feel.Thanks again to everyone who took the journey with us through prayer, spirit, phone calls, email, gifts, and food. We appreciate it all and words can never express our gratitude. We love you all!!!!!!!!Love and prayers, Robert & Roxie
March 14, 2009 6:28 PM
Friday, March 13, 2009
March 13, 2009 3:12 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
March 10, 2009 2:03 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
March 8, 2009 4:29 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
March 7, 2009 2:24 PM
Friday, March 6, 2009
March 6, 2009 11:34 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
March 4, 2009 8:59 PM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
We are finally back at the Lodge.After 3 hours of trying to get the pick line in they finally got it in. Thank the good Lord. He is up in the room sleeping. I will let him sleep and then get him up for Pot Luck and the Mennonite singers that he wants to hear.Love to all, Roxie
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
March 2, 2009 5:21 PM
February 27, 2009 9:02 PM
Friday, February 27, 2009
February 27, 2009 9:29 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2009
February 25, 2009 7:14 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
February 24, 2009 12:32 PM
No chemo or radiation until they find the reason for the infection.We will do blood work and IV antibiotic today and CT scan tomorrow morning to see if they can find out what is going on.Will update it tomorrow after we know more. Love, Roxie
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
February 24, 2009 9:49 AM
February 23, 2009 8:33 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
We have a busy schedule this week.
We are doing a survey for the radiation department and we have meetings from 1:30 to 3:00 on Tues, Wed and Thur for this week and next along with our regular scheduled appts.
Yesterday we went to the Convent called Assissi Heights. It was beautiful and interesting.
Last night was the Big Band Bash and it was awsome music. They had a 5 piece Jazz band and they had so much energy. It was accordian, trumpet, trombone, drums and clarient. Robert really enjoyed it.
Went to Mass today and then Todd took us out to breakfast at Pannekoken. Robert took a nap and Todd, Kathy and I went to the Civic Center to the White Lippazane Stallions. It was fun.
Then tonight Kathy treated us all to supper at a place about 15 miles out of Rochester called The Fisherman's Inn. It was delicious food. I have been cooking for Todd and Kathy all week so they decided it was there turn.
They have both been really good friends. Kathy is from Texas and owns a hunting lodge and Todd is a farmer from So Dakota. Kathy will be leaving Wednesday and I will really miss her but Todd's wife is coming so that will be fun.
It's nice to have someone to do things with and Kathy says we have to have fun and not concentrate on the CANCER! She is so right!
Better get to bed as we have a heavy schedule of appts this week.
Congratulations to Cooper and Laura Berning on their wedding this weekend. Wish we could have been there. I know it was fun beautiful.
Hope to see you all in March sometime. Love and prayers,
Robert and Roxie
February 22, 2009 8:41 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
It's Friday night so thought I'd better update everyone. We have been busy with Robert's appts and just the normal living. Yesterday I cleaned the room, did laundry and finally paid bills!!!! Robert napped during all of it. The chemo and radiation are making him more tired everyday.
Today after his appt we toured the Bells at the top of the Plummer building. Awsome!!! Took the elevator to the 15th floor and then had to climb several flights of stairs and then a spiral staircase to the top. Robert didn't think he was up to the climb but didn't want to miss out so going slow he made it. What a great experience. The guy who played them did a 30 minute concert. It was amazing to watch him. It is a dying art! We then got to walk around the balcony and view all of the downtown area of Rochester. Very COLD up there! Robert didn't do that part.
After lunch Robert went up to nap and me and two new friends did a walking tour of all the chapels in the Mayo area! Beautiful! What a great day it was. Then we came back to the Lodge and I made supper for Kathy, Todd, Robert & I. They are great friends.
Tomorrow we are planning on going to the Sister's convent and taking that tour. Robert and I have been out there to Mass and it is a beautiful church. I hope Robert will be able to go. Don't want to tire him out as we have free tickets to the Civic Center to the "Big Band Bash". Todd has agreed to take us in his car and then come back and pick us up in a heated car so Robert don't have to be out in the cold. He chills very easily.
Last evening, Kathy and I went to Meditation hour. The Chaplin was great. She was a lady that had been a Nun for 18 years and then broke away and went on to become an ordained minister. She is a chaplin for the Hospitals here. She was so interesting and it was just Kathy and I that attended so we had a great time. Her lesson was "Burdens and Blessings"! Wow!
That is the one thing I have learned through all of our trials in life that so many blessings come out of them. From Rob's broken neck to Robert's illnesses and every other trial that we have been through, your grow in your spirit. There is always a rainbow after every storm and you have to dance in the rain if you want to see the sunshine. We've done lots of dancing in the rain, but God has always been there to carry us.
After you have done everything you can do, God will do the rest!
Wishing you all a great weekend.
Love, Robert and Roxie
February 20, 2009 8:12 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
February 17, 2009 8:39 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
February 16, 2009 8:56 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
February 14, 2009 6:59 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
February 10, 2009 7:57 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Have meet a lot of interesting people and they are all very nice.
The girls that made cookies with me last night went Prom dress shopping today and Morgan brought her dress in to show me. She is a beautiful girl. Her dress was royal blue and beautiful. She is very talkative and a sweetie. Her sister is Reilly and queit. Their Dad is here at the Lodge and their last name is Biel but they pronounce it BEAL. The wife is a teacher. Nice family. They live on a farm and raise cattle. He is only 55 and has prostrate cancer.
It was a little rainy today but the temps weren't bad. Lots of walking for Dad and it tires him out. We did do a tour of Mayo Clinic today. It was about an hour long and learned some things that we didn't know so that was interesting.
We have a little lady in our kitchen that is kinda bossy but I like her. she just wants to make sure everyone knows the ropes. She drives Dad nuts but she & I get along ok. You know how he doesn't like rules........ Imagine that!!!!!
Terry Smothers and her husband came back today. Her husband was the one that had surgery when Dad had to fly back and we meet her. They are almost done with treatments and will be leaving Thurs.
Lots of new people moved in over the weekend and today. Lots moved out Friday.
One girl is about 35 and has been here since Sept. Has 3 little boys at home. Ages 2,5 &7. She is hoping to get to go home this coming weekend to see them. Depends on her test results. She has luekemia. Makes 6 weeks look short.
The time really has gone by faster than I thought it would. My shingles are better in the day time when I'm up and walking but last night I was up every two hours with pain.
Dr Al called me in some more pain meds. He had them once himself so he said he knows what I'm going through.
Pam Weinmann had knee surgery last Fri and hopfully get to go home tomorrow from Great Bend. Had some problems today so had to spend an extra day in the hospital.
Better get up to the room, I'm sure my curfew is up........Love, Mom
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Our address is:
Robert Berning
% Hope Lodge
411 2nd St NW
Rochester, MN 55901
Robert made it through the first week, 5 to go.
Hopefully we can rest and relax tomorrow, nothing that we have to do. I'll keep you updated as we navigate ourselves around this place and let you know all about it. I'm tired tonight. Shingles still giving me fits. Roxie
February 6, 2009 8:22 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
February 3, 2009 4:54 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
January 31, 2009 9:20 AM
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
I just wanted to update everyone on Robert's progress. He has finished his first round of Chemo, which went really well. He had to receive blood this week due to the fact that his white blood count was low but besides that he is doing really good. He was the old papa at Christmas that we all love. On the 26th Robert and Roxie will be making the trip back up to Rochester to do Radiation and Chemo. He will have both 5 days a week. They will be staying at the Hope house right next to the hospital. Since it is so cold in Minnesota they have underground walk ways so that you don't have to go outside in the cold. That will be nice for them. They will have to be in Rochester for 5 weeks. I will put their address up here as soon as I get it in case anyone would like to send a card. I will also be keeping the blog up to date so that everyone knows what is going on, it is also a good way for Robert and Roxie to keep in touch, I am sure that they will be checking the blog daily to see any new comments. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers please keep them coming they are working!
I would also like to say Happy Birthday to Camera Jean and Renissa! We all love you and hope that you have a wonderful Birthday!