Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Robert Berning's Journal

Hi friends and family- Thanks for all the phone calls, prayers and support through this difficult time. As you have probably heard Robert got sick over the weekend and was put into the Leoti Hospital on Monday. Dr. Alpert did some test including a sonogram. They found a mass on his pancreas. It is at the head of the pancreas and measures 3 Cm's in size. Because the top of the pancreas is where your insulin is produced it has caused Robert's blood sugar to be highly elevated. Right now they are checking his blood sugar on a regular basis and maintaining it with diet and insulin injections. Roxie and the kids have had to learn how to give him shots and check his blood sugar. As far as the mass goes they will be taking Robert to Mayo's in Rochester, MN on Monday August 25th. Monday afternoon Robert, Roxie, Rod and Robbie will be leaving for Minnesota. They will drive to Kansas City Monday night and pick Ryan up there. From there they will go on into Rochester. The plans are for Renissa to fly into Minnesota on Wed. On Tuesday Robert will meet with the doctors, then on Wednesday they will be doing a biopsy to see where to go from there. We will keep everyone posted on Robert's blog page so keep checking back since the family will be busy with doctors and testing and probably will not be able to answer phone calls. Thanks again for all your support and prayers!

1 comment:

Jill Berning said...

Papa- We are praying for you! We love you very much!! Love- Tenley and Talen