Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Robert & Roxie made it to Rochester at 11:00 this morning. They are staying at the Brentwood Inn & Suites. It has the tunnels to the clinic which will be nice in the morning, they won't have to go outside. They hope to get into the Hope Lodge soon. Roxie says it looks really nice. It is really cold in Rochester, it was -7 this morning. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they begin a new journey tomorrow. As soon as I have their address at the Hope Lodge I will post it in case anyone would like to have it. Thanks again!


Diana said...

So glad that you have made it safely. We are thinking of you and praying for you daily as you walk this journey. Stay warm.
Diana & Todd and families

Roxie said...

Diana, I'm wearing the Auntie Angel on my shoulder. I know it will take care of us. We have morning appts done and are getting ready to meet with the radiologist and then they will tatoo him for his radiation. Did you ever thing the favorite Uncle would get a tatoo? Better go, his appt is at 2:00 and he is waiting on me. thanks for your thoughts and prayers, Favorite Auntie Rox