Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Robert's fever broke during the night and he ate a good breakfast but is up in the room resting as we have appts @ 12:00, 1:00, 3:00 and then 4:00 if they put the chemo pump back on him. We will know the results of his blood work when we meet with the Doc.They have a Big Bell in the radiation department that people get to ring three times when it is their last treatment. It says:Ring OutRing this bellThree times well The toll to clearly sayMy treatments are doneIt's course has runAnd I'm on my way!Robert's last treament is suppose to be March 11th so I ask everyone to have their bells ready and please ring them 3 times to help us celebrate that this phase is over! I'll try and remind everyone on March 10th.Today is laundry day, we even have to do that chore up here. The machines are in the basement so I get plenty of walking in between that and the tunnels.........Love to everyone! Roxie
February 24, 2009 9:49 AM


Roxie said...

The chemo Dr just called and canceled Robert's radiation treatment because he has infection of some kind. We have an appt at 1:30 to see if they will admit him into the hospital or just do IV's as out patience. Keep us in your prayers. I'll update this as soon as I know something.

Roxie said...

No chemo or radiation until they find the reason for the infection.
We will do blood work and IV antibiotic today and CT scan tomorrow morning to see if they can find out what is going on.
Will update it tomorrow after we know more. Love, Roxie

Sandy said...

Boy! Rox it seems like it never ends for poor Robert. I hope it is nothing to serious. That infection goes with it I guess as he had it last time when he was on his way home. We are keeping him in our prayers each day. Love Hermaine