Monday, August 25, 2008

Doctors came in after the stint was put in. They said it was very successful. There was tremendous pressure from the tumor on the duct causing restriction. They did a biopsy from inside the bile duct just to get a preliminary to see what kind of cells they would be dealing with when they remove the top part of the pancreas on Sept. 8Th. He is on a liquid diet for tonight. They want him to rest tonight then the doctors will come in, in the morning and release him as long as everything is going good. They will head home after that. It will take them two days to get home so that Robert does not get too wore down. The doctors said that everything was progressing well. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers through this time of need! We all appreciate it! To the family at Rochester take care and come home soon we all miss you!


Heather Price said...

We are so happy to hear that everything is going good. We hope you are feeling good and we continue to pray for you and all your family. Have a safe trip home and we will see you soon.
Love, John & Teresa
Matt, Heather, & Brandon

Jolene Thurston said...

Hey there!!! Robert, do you feel like thereis no hole or crevice that hasn't been messed with yet??!! I can only imagine what you have been thru so far....just know that we are praying for you and the family and think about you a lot! Love, Jolene

Roxie said...

Dear Everyone,
I'm so ready to be home for a few days before coming back. I'm learning to be a nurse which isn't my calling and have always had tons of respect for their profession and have really appreciated all of the nurses and staff that have taken care of all of us. It has been a trying week but I know you all have lifted us up and because of it I have been able to cope with all the stress.
My children have been "FANTASTIC"!
Rod has been the mechanic listening to all the instructions making sure he knows how they will take Robert apart and put him back together and getting things straight so Jill can keep you updated.
Robbie has been the diplomate always getting all the arrangements made that need to be done in a very timely and efficent manner & making sure everyone knows all the "rules"!
Ryan has been the "Human Resources" director making sure we all know the reasons for why we are doing everything that is being done and making sure it is followed to procedure and keeping everyone working in harmony.
Renissa was the "teacher" reading to us everyday and checking the blog to keep us all updated on all of your wonderful messages and prayers.
Jill was the "secretary" taking dictation from Rod and getting it all correctly entered into the blog. What a "fantasic" job she is doing. What STRESS!!!!
Brecken is our "Prayer Warrior" at home making sure our spiritual needs are being met and keeping three teenagers under control and planning a wedding. No stress there! ha!
Darren is keeping our "Princess" consoled and keeping her mind and body busy so she can try to relax a little before she has to go back to school and then the wonderful vacation again at the St. Mary's Hospital Sept 8th. I'm sure he feels outnumbered being the one and only "favorite son-in-law" with three brothers-in-law! We really do love you though!
Melissa is keeping the "Home fires burning" teaching school all day and doing night shift with two little ones and getting everyone to day care and then on to work, trust me, I know that can't be easy.
Every bit of time, energy and money that we have invested into our children has given us 100% return on our investment! Thanks kids from the bottom of your hearts. We are fam-i-ly!!!!!!!
We love you! Mom & Dad

ED said...

Hey all, one step at a time, I told you this is all going to turn out great and I continue to believe that. Have a safe trip home, we'll see you here. ED

Unknown said...

Roxie - Your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad to hear everything is going well. Too bad you can't stop through Colorado on the way back. . .our mountain air cures all!

Love and hugs-
