Tuesday, August 26, 2008

They just left Rochester!!! Hurray!


Pam said...

Drive Safe and Enjoy your couple of days at home. There's "No Place Like Home!" It should offer some great healing powers. And I agree with Renelle. I teared up when I read what Roxie wrote about the kids. Hooray for Kids! And I hope Renissa will comment on their trip to New York. I hope it was wonderful.
Roxie: Doug & Susie also started a Blog if you would like to check on them and send prayers.
Love you guys! Pam & family

The Mountain Easy Riders said...

Hoping that you have a safe trip home and that it doesn't wear Robert out to much. We called Renelle's doctor yesterday and he said she could start walking at least one to two miles per day and can drive her vehicle a short way. She is doing better every day but has a little ways to go. We took a short walk yesterday to the park by her house and took their Dog, Omega with us. We will continue to pray for you and Robert, you try to take it easy while you are at home.
Love & Prayers,
Relda & ML