Friday, November 7, 2008

I just got a call from Roxie and I thought I would update everyone. They got a call from Rochester and the Doctors there do not want to start chemo yet. They think that his white blood count is still to high, they are worried about infection. On Monday they will take Robert back into Leoti to have his white blood count checked again and we will go from there. If it is still up then they will put him on an antibiotic again. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they wait for news back from Rochester. Thanks to everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers as they go through this difficult time.


Sandy said...

We are still praying for you Robert. We think of you everyday and keep praying that things go good. Hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving. We love you. Hermaine

The Mountain Easy Riders said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you every day. Have a nice Thanksgiving. We are going to Kaleigh's house for the day. Renelle and Chris have his company's condo in Vail so they will be up there with his parents. We were invited but Kaleigh couldn't go because she only has one day off work so we decided to be with her.
Love & Prayers, Relda & ML

Unknown said...

We are definitely thinking about you all as you go through this difficult time. I know when my grandpa (Jack) was going through cancer, we really appreciated all of the help we received from friends and family. If you ever need anything while in Hays, please don't hesitate to let us know. Our home is always open to all of you. My cell phone number is 785-626-4103. My wife's cell phone is 785-626-2440. Robert, we will keep you in our prayers.
Travis, Melissa, and Ashton Rickford