Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day to All!We finally got to go to Mall of America! WOW is all I can say.It is overwhelming! Didn't do much shopping, just walked and around and looked!Robert took me to "Bubba Gumps" for lunch. It was fun, kinda like our lives at the moment! "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your are going to get until you dive into it each day!" That's our life! Took some pictures so will show everyone when we get them developed.Yesterday morning, we woke up to crows fighting. It sounded like a war zone! Our car that was white looked like a Dalmation Dog. Crow do-do all over it. Reminded me of the Alfred Hickok movie "The Birds!" I've never seen so many crows in one place. All over the place!Please keep Renissa's babysitter and her family in your prayers. Renissa just called me to let me know that Penny's father in lawdied @ 4:14 today. He was diagnosed with cancer about a month ago. They did surgery in Topeka and then took him to MD Anderson in Houston. They didn't have a name for the cancer and had never seen anything like it before.It was the granddaughter's birthday today and I think Katie was 16. Our prayers go out to them.Our God is an awsome God and we are so thankful he has decided to give us one day at a time. We never know when he might call anyone of us.We love you. Love and prayers,Robert & Roxie
February 14, 2009 6:59 PM


Pen said...


Love to you and Robert from our family to yours! Thank you for the prayers...yesterday was rough for all of us. I am still looking for answers on why it had to happen on Katie's birthday...she was heartbroken and I feel so badly for her. But today is a new day and we are going to make the most of it. Each day is a gift, we know that now more than ever! Our love to you!!!

Roxie said...

Sunday we attended Mass and then Robert napped in the afternoon and I walked to the Civic Center to a Big Home Show. It was fun to just have some "Roxie" time and be by myself and walk and meditate. The home show raffled off 4 playhouses.
They were so cute. One was the Little Rascal's playhouse, A witch's house, a school house and a Victorian house. Some lucky child was happy when they won.
Made Robert his favorite supper of fried chicken and all the trimmings. He was happy! Invited Todd Biel, another guy staying here at the Lodge.
Monday Robert had early appt @ 8:00. Had a voice mail on our phone and was so surprised! Tracy Rickford was up in this area crop adjusting and stopped by to see us and take us out to lunch. Was so good to see someone from home! We gave him the tour of the Mayo Clinic and the Hope Lodge. He got to walk in the tunnels and see our daily routine! Lots of walking! Thanks Tracy for taking the time to see us. We really appreciated it.
I came back to the Lodge and took a nap. The shingles are still hanging around and get into the party mood about the time I want to sleep. I had a rough night last night so tonight I might have to drug myself with pain meds to knock me out!
Tomorrow after appts we are going to a Bald Eagle Sancuary about 40 miles from here with Todd, our friend. He had taken his family there last week and wants us to see it. It is the town where "Grumpy Old Men" was filmed. Should be a fun day trip. Then tomorrow night is pot luck supper and singers for entertainment. Wed night they will have a Magic show. Always something to keep you busy if you feel like doing it. The suppers are always delicious and they always have a drawing for another quilt! Maybe we will be lucky sometime. I made pumpkin rolls and Darren's favorite mac salad and we have left over corned beef so we are all set. Have a great week.
Love, Roxie