Friday, February 27, 2009

It has been a long week. Robert has IV meds twice a day. 7:30 a.m and 7:30 p.m. Vancomyecin and another I think called empancin??The Vanco is heavy duty so hope the do the job. We have a Dr appt @ 4 this afternoon so hope to find out some results. We also have radiation everyday and three days a week we have a survey meeting for 1 1/2 hours. I need a nap and hope to get one this afternoon. We didn't get back to the Lodge last night until 11:30. The IV drip takes about 3 hours. Want to do it slow after the reaction on Monday. Todd Biel has been helping me push Robert over in the wheelchair. Sometimes the tunnels are long pushing uphill. He is a blessing. I made supper for 5 others in our kitchen last night. We had chicken and rice, green beans and tossed salad. Todd furnished the ice cream with all the toppings.They call me the "Betty Crocker" of the kitchen but Louise says that isn't true. She calles me Julia Childs... I don't compare to either but I guess some people don't cook.Darren & Renissa are going to court today to see if Miss Camrea will become Camrea Riley. Please keep them all in your prayers. Camrea deserves a loving family.Ryan is having some tests done in Wichita today. Some kind of kidney problems???? I'm anxious to hear from both of them. Always somthing to worry about.It snowed here last night, about 5 inches. Robert would love to have the moisture at home for the wheat.Better get back to his room, he was sleeping when I left but will be looking for me. I'll try and update this evening after we hopefull find out what is causing the infection.Love, Roxie
February 27, 2009 9:29 AM


Jill Berning said...

Nana & papa- Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of the family. Shae and I are going to Denver for the weekend to help Daren move. I will try to keep the blog updated from there it just might be a little late. Take care of yourself and hopefully we will see you really soon! Rowdy is doing good! Rudy is jealous but it is good for him to have to deal with it. He is spoiled rotten! Rowdy jumped in bed with me this morning and just wanted to be rubbed and petted.

Roxie said...

NEWS FLASH! It's official!!!
Miss Camrea Jean is now Miss Camrea Jean Riley!!!!!
Congratulations to Darren, Renissa and Nolan. We are so happy and excited for them.
Nolan even had to get upon the stand. The Judge's name was Judge Heart and it sounds like he had a BIG heart. He let Renissa go to the car and get her camera and they said he was so nice he even took a picture of all of them together as a family!!! What a blessing for everyone!
I did get 1 1/2 nap. Was sleeping dreaming of them when the phone rang. Best phone call and good news I've had in a long time.
Anxious to hear now from Ryan.
We go to the Dr at 4:00 so hope today is GOOD NEWS day!
Love, Roxie

Sandy said...

So glad to hear the good news for Rinissa and her family, I know you needed some good news so am so happy it turned out that way. Sorry about all the problems with Robert but guess what will be will be. Thank the good Lord you have nice people around you and Robert. Keep getting the rest you are getting as you can't get down too. Love You and we are still praying each day for good news and good health for you and Robert.Got a nice email from Aunt Nellie. I sent it to you but not sure if you got it or not. Love Hermaine

bud and frances said...

Congratulations to all=Renissa, Darren, Nolan and Camera Jean=also to Grand ma & Grandpa Berning=What great news!!! So happy that little girl will have a good, loving home=
We are so happy for all of you!!!!
Love you-Frances & Bud

Roxie said...

Good news Friday! Renissa called with good news, Ryan called and all his tests went well and the Doctor put Robert on oral meds so we don't have to get up early every morning and go back every night to have IV's! Yeah!!!!
I will sleep in tomorrow, it is Saturday!!!
Robert still has infection and will be on meds for 10 days. They think it is in the port line. The CT scan came back fine, so no abcess like they thought would have to be drained. We were so thankful for that. They are doing an antibiotic lock on his port to help the infection so we do have to go over once a day to have that put in but that doesn't take long. The other was a 3 hour ordeal twice a day. Exhausting!
It's always good to end the week with GOOD NEWS! Hope it continues and we get to head home March 12th. Robert is missing Rowdy and wants to go home. He is tired of them poking around on him. He's not sure he has any blood left as much as they are taking all the time! Just glad the infection was caught early. We have a Dr appt on Monday to see if they start his chemo again. Have a good weekend. Love, Roxie and Robert