Hey Papa you said to eat the mouth balls Right???

Tate is all over it Papa!

Are these moth balls?? This is the best racoon chasing thing you can get besides my Good Looks and my secret weapon ohh betty lou she was the one AK 57 uzi radar, laser, tripple barrel, double scoped, heat seeking shotgun! invented for Roberto Berning. By Chandler Berning the grandson of the racoon killing machine he is gonna have a picture with a racoon in the out door magizines for the biggest sweet corn COON! go grandpa and your very sweet, sweet corn ROCK ON!
Hey Papa! I guess when they say "The Apple doesn't fall far from the Tree." is true. Chandler's apple diffiently came from your tree! Love ~ Jill
Robert and Roxie: Your in our prayers--hang in there--Richard and Robin
Hello to all you Bernings;
Robert just heard about you big guy. We are so sorry you are under the weather. But if we know you,
you'll be back up and at it in no time. From your blogs Jill it looks better everyday. If there is anything we can do for you or the family, please let us know. Are thoughts and prayers are with you all the way. Jill thank you for the updates.
Keat, Kendall, the girls, Connie and Larry
Hi Robert & Roxie,
So sorry to hear about Robert. You are in our thoughts and Prayers. Hang in there. Let me know if I can do anything for you.
Hi Jill
I'm so sorry to hear about Robert ... I've been lifting him up in prayer since hearing about it.
Your blog is great ... however; I'm having trouble getting a message through on it. Don't know why ... my computer is having fun with me right now.
So if you would give Robert and Roxie my love and prayers, I would be so thankful to you.
Thanks and keep up the blogging ... I'm in the midst of packing to move to another house, so I'll check your blogs at least daily.
Is there an address that I can mail get well cards to? Please let me know and keep up the good work.
Rosie Longfellow
Hey Robert! Love your blog! (good job Jill) I think you hit rock star status overnight! We are thinking of you often and watching for more updates as they come! Glad things are looking good for you! You'll be up to your ol' trick soon, watch out Roxie!!!!
Robin, Darrel, Allison Casey and Boston Link
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