Monday, September 15, 2008

Hi to everyone! Robert decided he was well enough to come home yesterday so they headed out. They made it to Ottawa last night and plan to get to Wichita today. I think that they will spend a litttle time in Augusta before heading the rest of the way home. Everything seems to be going good. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel the rest of the way home. Thanks!


The Mountain Easy Riders said...

Hi Robert and Rox, glad you are on your way home and will get to spend a little time with your kids and grandkids. I can't wait to be a grammie someday but for now,GOD thinks I am too immature. haha We are praying for your safe travel. I know it will be so good to be home. There is no place like home!
Love & Prayers,
Relda & ML

Doug andDixie Weilert said...

That is so great that you are both coming home very soon. Hopefully Robert you are taking it easy:) Roxy are you taking care of yourself? You know that you to take care of you as wells as Robert. Let us know when you both get home so Doug and I can come see you both. Our prayers and thoughts are with you, and god will be there every step of your healing.
Doug and Dixie

shardo said...

Hi Robert and Roxie, we are glad to hear of your successful surgery and your return to home. We will continue praying for your safe return and for your upcoming treatments. God bless you

Sharilyn and Eddie