Thursday, September 18, 2008

Robert & Roxie have made it safely to Rochester, Robert is in a room right across the hall from where he was when he got dismissed. Dr. Kendrick's came in and said that this is a minor set back. Tomorrow they will do a CT Scan to see where the leaking is coming from and then insert a drain to relieve the fluid. It sounds like it is an easy procedure that does not require surgery. Dr. Kendrick's said that Robert will feel a lot better when the pressure is off. He will have to stay in the hospital for another 7-10 days. Roxie is staying at the hotel across from the hospital. Roxie said that Robert is feeling better and that he is resting right now. They do not know what time the CT Scan will be tomorrow, as soon as I know something I will pass it on. Thanks to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers!


Unknown said...

Hugs, love and prayers


The Mountain Easy Riders said...

I am so relieved that you are both there safely. Robert, you hang in there........sounds like it is not major and you will soon be feeling much better. Easy for me to say after what you have been through. You just take it easy. Rox, keep trying to get as much rest as possible.
We all know we are no good to anyone unless we take care of ourselves. You and Robert are a team! Love & prayers, Relda & ML

Diana said...

Love you much and continue to pray for a speedy return from this little hick-up.
Diana, Todd and family

Roxie said...

Flight - exactly 2 hours -smooth
Got to the hospital about 6:30 or 7:00. He was glad to see he had his favorite nurse Kathi as the head nurse on the floor but Melissa as his nurse. I'm at the hotel and ready to hit the bed.It has been a long month.......
I'll call the kids as soon as I know something tomorrow. Dr Kendrick didn't sound like it was a major, major so hopefully we can get on the road to recovery soon.
I'm ready to get home and back to some kind of schedule. Remember when you wish you didn't have to go to work?????? Be careful what you wish for!!! We will probably have a "White Christmas" also. Laura, so much for Christmas traditions this year!!!! It has been wonderful to have so many friends and family supporting us with your love, concerns and prayers. We appreciate it and look forward to checking the blog everyday. It is nice the hospital and hotel have computers that we can get on to. OK, all my friends and relatives that have begged me to get a computer, maybe I will when we get home. I do have Robbie checking into it. SURPRISE!!!! Thanks again for everything everyone has done. My motto is "Don't Let the Chain Of Love End With You!" I will never be able to pay everyone back for all that you have done but be assured I'll be there for you if you are ever in my shoes.
Goodnight, I need to be at the hospital early.

ED said...

Roxie, glad you made it there in fine shape. I know that the little glitches can be trying, but maybe this is just God's way to make sure everything is done right. Hang in there, get some rest, and call if I can help. Robert, remember patience is a virtue (so I've been told), though I don't know any of us that are very good at it. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with both of you. ED

Doug andDixie Weilert said...

hope all is well today. May god bless you both for a safe travel. May God heal you as you recover,
Robert you let the doctors and the nurses take care of you.
hope all is well, We can't image what you may be going through, I know being in the hospital is tough and not knowing. But you have good doctors and God he will always heal

Doug and Dixie

Roxie said...

Oh the places you go and the people you meet.........
Robert visited with this gentleman last week while we were staying at the hotel. He was interested in Robert's farming and what return on your money you get if you buy land and have someone farm it. Very nice older gentleman. His wife has been in the hospital 6 weeks up here.
This morning as I was eating breakfast I saw him again and told him we were back. I told him I would tell Robert I saw him but that Robert wouldn't remember his name but would remember him. He said he really enjoyed visiting with Robert and was impressed with his attitude and all. I ask his name and he told me he was Charlie Munger, billionaire partner of Warren Buffett!!!! Interesting people we meet on life's journey.

The Mountain Easy Riders said...

Good morning, hope everything is going better this morning I am up early as we are taking Kaleigh shopping for a new computer for a graduation gift. Yes, Rox, it's about time you got a home computer.
haha I will check the blog when I get home.
Love & Prayers,
Relda & ML

Sandy said...

Rox so gald to hear you got there o.k. I wanted to call you so bad but know how busy you would of been getting Robert back in the hospital so I am so happy to read that you got there o.k. and that the Dr thinks he will not need surgery.I know none of us can know all your going through but we know one thing that it can not be easy on you, Robert or your family. Yes your right when you say be careful what you wish for. I know you and Robert and your kids would probably give anything to get back on schedule but just take it one day at a time and try to relax the best you can. We are praying for you and Robert and your kids and do force yourself to get your rest. I know you, you think you can keep running and running but you have to stop sometime. So listen to Hermaine try hard to get your rest. Wish you were closer so we could be there but your in our hearts and we will keep checking the blog. We will be gone Sat and Sunday so won't be able to be by the computer but will keep informed from the family. God Bless you and Robert and the kids and also my kids said to tell you they are thinking of you also and praying for Robert's health and recovery. Glad to hear you may get a computer. They are so nice to keep informed and in touch with the family and friends. Hang in there we are pulling for you and Robert and family 100%. Love Bill & Sandy

Davetta said...

Hi Aunt Roxie and Uncle Robert...sorry to hear about the setback..but I know you will be up and about in no time...just need a little more healing time..My Mom asks us daily what the blog says..she has a computer but doesnt know or want to learn how to use we keep her up to date! We love you guys and send our prayers daily...Love you and miss you, Davetta

Sue said...

Roxy, I see that you had a good flight, I was watching you fly across the air as you were flying, Derek Riner (son) was your pilot. Glad it was a nice flight, but I do know not much room in the plane, keeping you always in thought. Sue Riner

Roxie said...

Still waiting...........
I'm getting good at this waiting game. Don't ever pray for patience because you have to learn to have it in the hospital setting....
Hope they come to get him soon for the procedure. Will let everyone know as soon as I hear anything.

Sheila Boyd said...

Robert and Roxie.
Thinking about you and continue with prayers for both of you. God's sure does teach us patience when we least expect it.
Anything I can do to help, please let me know.
I will start apprecitating work a little more Roxie.
Love Sheila

Roxie said...

They took him in @ 3:45. Couldn't tell me if it would take 20 minutes or 2 hours.... They sure keep you guessing. Will let you know when I know something.

Heather Price said...

We are glad that you made it make to Rochester. Robert is in good hands there. Know that we continue to send our prayers your direction. Let us know if we can do anything. Well take care and Roxie try to get as much rest as possible. Robert don't give the nurses to much trouble! (-:
Love you guys,
John and Teresa
Matt, Heather, & Brandon

Pam said...

Hi Roxie & Robert. What a roller coaster ride for you. I'm glad you're at the best place possible for Robert. Here's one of my favorite quotes: "Most people don't know there are Angels who make sure you don't fall asleep and miss your life!" I remind myself of this when life is not going so good. We love you, thanks for keeping us updated on the blog. Tell Charlie Hi for us! Hugs, Pam, Tom and family xoxoxox

The Mountain Easy Riders said...

HI, just got home from Denver. We will continue to watch the blog for updates. I was thinking today how ironic...........Renelle and Chris got married on your birthday, Roxie, and Kaleigh was born on your birthday, Robert. I guess it means that GOD wanted us to have a special bond. I guess the "working in mysterious ways" is the truth.
Love & Prayers,
Relda & ML

Roxie said...

Robert is back from CT scan but they didn't put the drain tube in.
I guess we are still waiting.
I've been here since 7:30 this morn and haven't seen any Doctors and the nurses can't tell me what is happening so I'll still WAIT!
Last night it was 8 before the surgeons made their rounds. The day is getting long......... Rox

The Mountain Easy Riders said...

Rox, just hang in there! I know it must be so difficult for you but I know you have a great faith!
I tell myself every time I have a bad day that "Relda, you have someone to turn to" I may not be the best example in the world but I do know who rules my world. I sometimes ask GOD if I am praying properly and then I know that I just have to talk to him like he is a person sitting in front of me. Nothing fancy, he knows our hearts. We will continue to pray and watch the blog.
Much Love & Prayers,
Relda & ML

Roxie said...

No feaver, no bowel obstruction,no kinks in bowel, no abcess showing on the CT scann. They say the fluid is normal after this kind of surgery. Has Adema which they say is normal and the fluid is pushing on his lungs so they want him to get up and walk and use his breather to take deeper breaths. They have finally given him clear liquids after 4 days of not eating so that made him happy. Well, some what???? They will keep him on antibiatics and are calling in a breathing specialist to do some testing on his lungs. Pieces of his lungs are not expanding, so they will watch so he doesn't get pnemonia. Didn't really see anything abnormal on the scan. I haven't talked to any Dr's today, just what the nurses told me. Don't know if the test on lung will be Sat or Mon. I'm heading to the motel to try and relax. It has been a long day. Relda, if you read this you might send me Kaleigh's address so I can try and get a BD card to her. How old this year? 22???
Pam, I want you to know my angels are really keeping me awake!!! ha! Love and prayers to all.

Diana said...

Hang tough you guys, we are all praying for this bump in the road to smoothen quickly. Take care and get as much rest as possible!
Love, Diana, Todd and family