Thursday, September 18, 2008

Robert's doctors from Rochester called back to Andover and they want to have him back in Rochester to observe him. They will fly him and Roxie on med vac to Rochester. As soon as I know something more I will let you know. Please keep them in your prayers! This was posted at 3:02 pm for some reason the time has not changed.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the setback. Hope all goes well. We are thinking of you and sending our prayers.

Jason Stuerman

Cindy said...

Sending love and prayers your way!

Cindy, Shawn, Hayden and Jenna

Anonymous said...

Gram & Papa--
You are in our prayers and we love you!! I've had lots of people call to check on you and ask about you while I am out running erronds. Everyone is praying for you, wishing you the best, and waiting patiently for you to be able to come home!!
Rob, Brecken, Laura, Tate, & Ky

Sandy said...

Rox and Robert our prayers are with you and I am praying for a safe trip there and a good report from the Dr there in Rocchester when you arrive. Love You Both so much. Love Hermaine & Bill

The Mountain Easy Riders said...

ML and I continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. You are in the best of hands, not only the staff and doctors at the Mayo Clinic, but also the man upstairs. I know in my heart that you will be home soon.
Love, Relda & ML