Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Robert & Roxie have made it safely home!
Thanks to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers as they travel on this journey. Reading the comments everyday helps keep them in touch with everyone and helps keep their spirits up.
They have begun to put the towers up so I am sure that Papa and Rowdy will be out checking them out tomorrow.


Sandy said...

What wonderful news to read this morining as I check your blog. I am so thankful you are home and so happy that Robert can go and see the towers going up. I think it is cute that he has Rowdy and that him and Rowdy are buddies and run around together. Always nice to have such a friend and know they love to be with you every moment!! Rox I hope you can get a few days of rest before trying to go back to work. Don't over do things as you need to stay healthy. By the time we get down that way the towers should all be up and we will get to see them. I think they are so pretty. We seen them going to family reunion and they looked so peaceful out there going around. I would like to see them on a windy day. When we seen them there was not much wind. Well have to go and get ready to go to work. Hurrah!!!!!! your home. We will keep you in our prayers and hope things settle down a little for you both. Love Hermaine

The Mountain Easy Riders said...

So glad you are home! Both of your birthday cards are sitting on my kitchen table waiting to be sent. Didn't want to send until you got home so they will be very belated.Take care and we will continue to watch the blog and pray!
Love, Relda & ML

Earl and Lois said...

We are so glad to hear you are home and hope and pray all the rest of the treatments do their job and get Robert back to normal and out and about with ease. Enjoy the unbelievable size of the wind towers going up.
Earl & Lois

Pam said...

Good Morning Aunt Roxie & Uncle Robert. Happy to read you're back home again. Roxie, I told you I'd send Jodi Picoults The Sister Keeper & Plain Truth and I guess they're lent out. I'll send if and when I get them back. I did find Salem Falls and 19 minutes. They weren't my favorite of her books, but still better than most books I've read. Have you finished Keeping Faith yet? I'm still plugging away a couple chapters every night before bedtime. Enjoy your own bed and we'll talk to you soon. Hugs, pam and family

Roxie said...

It is so good to be home for a few months, hopefully! Robert is on meds to hopefully take care of the infection. When we get the OK from Dr Kendrick at Mayo after his white blood count is down below 11 and anther CT scan, we will start Chemo. We will probably take it at Hays, Ks. It will be one day a week for three weeks, than one week off, and then another three weeks and then another week off. After that we will head back to Mayo for 28 treatments of radiation or 5 1/2 to 6 weeks.
Please keep my best friend Diana Griffith and her family in your prayers. Her Mother, "my other Mom" died Sat, Oct 11th. Her funeral is Tues, Oct 14th @ 10:30 a.m at the Baptist Church in Scott City.
Thanks again to everyone for all that you have done for us. We will always remember your thoughtfulness, love and prayers.
Love, Robert & Roxie

Roxie said...

Pam, glad Flat Stanley is having fun in Utah. What an awsome place to visit. I know he feels so WELCOME at your place. You are great Hosts and Hostesses.
Love, Aunt Roxie

The Mountain Easy Riders said...

Hi Rox, was sad to hear about Alberta.......she was such a sweetheart. Our hearts go out to Diana and her whole family. I was wondering why you have to go to Hays for Chemo? I had read on the internet that Hays was voted as one of the top ten rural places to live in the United States so maybe that is the reason because they have advanced health care? Well, hope Robert is feeling good and getting his appetite back. Didn't know if you knew but ML's brother, Bill that lives in Tulsa has lukemia and is taking chemo right now. ML talked to him last weekend and he is handling it great. He says he feels fine.
Love & Prayers, Relda & ML

Unknown said...

Hi Robert and Roxie, Just found out you had this site. We want to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. I hate it we live so close and never see each other. Life is just to busy I guess. Anyway we will be checking this site out to see how Robert is progressing. You guys take care. We will be thinking about you daily. Lots of Love Rex and LuJauna